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Listen: Mark Wallace on "What Happened When I Called Christians Pagans"

Listen: Mark Wallace on What Happened When I Called Christians Pagans

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Earlier this fall, Professor of Religion Mark Wallace delivered a talk entitled "What Happened When I Called Christians Pagans." In his lecture, Wallace discusses the criticism he faced by attempting to cross pollinate ancient primordial traditions with the monotheism with Christianity.

The lecture was part of the Aydelotte Foundation's popular second Tuesday series continues. This year’s theme — The Secret Life of Research: Failures, Successes, and Surprising Applications — offers monthly presentations by faculty members who will give us an insider’s view of their everyday research lives. Presenters from across the arts, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences walk us through their personal experiences of academic research in the lab, field, library and archive, revealing how they arrive at both small moments of understanding and large discoveries. 

Convened by Assistant Professor of Linguistics Jamie Thomas, this series shares the successes, failures, accidents, comic moments and unexpected revelations at the heart of what it is your colleagues do all day.

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