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Listen: Deborah DeMott ’70 on "Disavowed Art"

Deborah DeMott ’70 on Disavowed Art

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Earlier this fall, Deborah A. DeMott '70 returned to Swarthmore to deliver a lecture titled "Disavowed Art" as part of the Lee Frank Lecture series in Art History. The lecture draws from her ongoing book project which focuses on circumstances about the ongoing relationship over time between artists and works that they make, and circumstances that sever ties of authorship, or circumstances where the artists believe should ties of authorship should be severed with their work.

DeMott is the David F. Cavers Professor of Law at Duke University. Her scholarship and teaching is focused on the law of agency, business organizations, fiduciary obligation, and art law. In addition to numerous articles, DeMott is the author of a treatise, Shareholder Derivative Actions, initially published in 1987 and updated annually and a casebook, Fiduciary Obligation, Agency and Partnership, published in 1991. She is the editor, with Danny Busch, of The Liability of Asset Managers (Oxford Univ. Press, 2012). She graduated from Swarthmore with a B.A. in law and history and earned her J.D. from New York University.

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