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Swarthmore Among Top Schools That Produce Science and Engineering PhDs, Fourth Overall

Swarthmore Among Top Schools That Produce
Science and Engineering PhDs, Fourth Overall

by Nancy Nicely

Rachael Mansbach
Honors physics major Rachael Mansbach '11 at the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter

The National Science Foundation compiles data on where engineering and science Ph.Ds obtained their undergraduate degrees. The following undergraduate institutions per capita educated the most students who ultimately earn engineering and science Ph.D.'s from 1997 through 2006.

1.  Cal Tech

2.  Harvey Mudd College

3.  MIT

4.  Reed College

5.  Swarthmore College

The complete top 50 list appears at CBS Moneywatch.

The NSF also surveys the undergraduate institution of each person who earned a research doctoral degree in any field. Given that measure, Swarthmore produced doctorates at a rate of 19.8 percent overall, or fourth highest.