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Watch: Class of 2008 Graduates at College's 136th Commencement

Class of 2008 Graduates at    
College's 136th Commencement

by Nancy Nicely

Commencement 2008

At Swarthmore's 136th commencement on June 1, President Alfred H. Bloom awarded honorary degrees to Alberto Mora '74, former general counsel of the Department of the Navy, Robert Storr '72, dean of the Yale School of Art, and Phyllis Wise '67, a renowned researcher and provost and executive vice-president at the University of Washington. In addition, 364 undergraduates were awarded degrees at the ceremony, held at the Scott Outdoor Amphitheater.

Of the 364 graduates, 356 received the Bachelor of Arts degree and 18 the Bachelor of Science in engineering degree. Ten had double degrees. Highest honors were awarded to 11, 66 received high honors, and 29 received honors. The senior class speaker, as voted by his classmates, was Adam Dalva '08, who graduated with High Honors in English literature.

Among the graduates was Sandra Schulberg '72, who received her B.A. more than 30 years after first entering Swarthmore as an undergraduate. Her story, as recounted in the Philadelphia Inquirer, describes her academic work and the successful film career she pursued after a prolonged illness prevented her from graduating with her class as originally planned. 

Lang Visiting Professor of Issues for Social Change George Lakey addressed the graduating class at Baccalaureate services on May 31. Lakey was followed by Associate Professor of English Literature Bakirathi Mani, who delivered the Last Collection. Speakers at this address, an assembly-style gathering, are chosen by the senior class.