Lucinda Lewis '70
Lewis, of Potomac, Md., is a self-employed consultant-adviser for The Brattle Group in Washington, D.C., after 20 years as an economic consultant in various capacities, including seven years as senior vice president and secretary of the board of Competition Economics; six years with Econsult Corp.; and seven years with Coopers & Lybrand. In the late '70s, she worked in the antitrust division in the Economic Policy Office of the U.S. Department of Justice. Lewis was an assistant professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania from 1978 to 1982 and instructor in economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison 1974-77. Her activities include serving as a team captain for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, soccer coach, Girl Scout leader, and host for Swarthmore parent and student get-togethers in the D.C. area.
Lewis earned a B.A. in economics with honors from Swarthmore in 1970, followed by an M.A./M.Phil. in 1973 and a Ph.D. in 1977 from Yale University. Lewis, who joined the Board in 2011, is married to Robert Reynolds.