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Course Details

Course Title Feminist Film and Media Studies
Campus Swarthmore
Semester Fall 2019
Registration ID FMST 045 01
Credit 1
Department Film and Media Studies
Times and Days
TTH 01:15pm-02:30pm
W 07:00pm-10:00pm
Room Location Trotter Hall 203
Course Info

(Cross-listed as GSST 020)

This course explores theories and methods at the intersection of film and media and gender and sexuality studies, including representation and self-representation, historiography and canon formation, intersectionality and transnational politics, gender performativity and sexual dissidence, cultural production and critique. Required weekly screenings feature films and programs from a range of historical periods, national production contexts, and styles: mainstream and independent, narrative, documentary, video art, and experimental. Readings in feminist film theory will address questions of authorship and aesthetics, spectatorship and reception, image and gaze, and current media politics.

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Arts and Humanities
Eligible for GSST.
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