Patricia White
Centennial Chair
Director, Aydelotte Foundation
Program Coordinator, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Film & Media Studies

Patricia White is Centennial Chair and Professor of Film and Media Studies and Coordinator of Gender and Sexuality Studies at Swarthmore College. She is author of Rebecca (BFI Classics, 2021), Women’s Cinema/World Cinema: Projecting Contemporary Feminisms (Duke University Press, 2015), and Uninvited: Classical Hollywood Cinema and Lesbian Representability (Indiana University Press, 1999). With Timothy Corrigan, she is co-author of the widely adopted introductory film textbook The Film Experience (Bedford St. Martin’s, 6th ed., 2021). She is also co-editor with Corrigan and Meta Mazaj of Critical Visions in Film Theory; Classic and Contemporary Readings (Bedford St. Martin’s, 2011). Her essays on feminist and lgbtq+ cinema have been published in Camera Obscura, Cinema Journal, Film Quarterly, GLQ, and Screen; in edited collections including The Oxford Handbook of Queer Cinema, Reframing Indie, Sisters in the Life, A Feminist Reader in Early Cinema, and Inside/Out; and in such online venues as the Los Angeles Review of Books and Public Books. White edited and wrote the introduction to Figures of Resistance: Essays in Feminist Theory by Teresa de Lauretis (Illinois University Press, 2007). She received her Ph.D. in the History of Consciousness from the University of California, Santa Cruz and her B.A. from Yale University in Film Studies. She serves on the boards of the non-profit feminist media arts organization Women Make Movies and the magazine Film Quarterly . White is a member of the editorial collective of the feminist film journal Camera Obscura and oversees the Camera Obscura book series for Duke University Press. She is working on a book on independent US women's filmmaking in the twenty-first century.