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Course Details

Course Title American Narrative Cinema
Campus Swarthmore
Semester Spring 2020
Registration ID FMST 021 01
Credit 1
Department Film and Media Studies
Times and Days
TTH 09:55am-11:10am
W 07:00pm-10:00pm
Room Location Beardsley 316
Course Info

(Cross-listed as ENGL 087)

This course surveys U.S. narrative film history with an emphasis on the Hollywood studio era. We consider how genres such as the western, the melodrama, and film noir express aspirations and anxieties about race, gender, class and ethnicity in the United States. Film is understood as narrative form, audiovisual medium, industrial product, and social practice. Classical Hollywood is approached as a national cinema, illuminated by attention to independent narrative traditions ("race movies," New Queer Cinema).

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