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Course Details

Course Title Intro-Film & Media Studies
Campus Swarthmore
Semester Fall 2018
Registration ID FMST 001 01
Credit 1
Department Film and Media Studies
Times and Days
TTH 09:55am-11:10am
Room Location Lang Perf Arts Ctr 101
Course Info

In this course students are introduced to forms and histories of film and other moving-image media, as well as to key concepts, theories, and methods in the discipline of film and media studies. We begin with analysis of the elements of film form; explore narrative, documentary, experimental and genre formats; and conclude with perspectives on authorship, national cinema, historiography, and topics in film and media theory. Emphasis is on developing writing, analytical, and research skills. Required weekly evening screenings of works from diverse periods, countries, and traditions. FMST 001 is the prerequisite for most upper-level FMST classes.

Course Record Number:
Enrollment Limit:
Current Enrollment:
Arts and Humanities
Eligible for Digital Humanities (DGHU).
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