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Course Details

Course Title Fan Culture
Campus Swarthmore
Semester Fall 2020
Registration ID FMST 041 01
Credit 1
Department Film and Media Studies
Times and Days
TTH 02:00pm-03:15pm
Course Info

Explores the history, philosophy, and impact of fandom in film, television, and new media. Drawing on methodologies including reception and audience studies, feminism, performance, cultural studies, ethnography, and convergence theory, we will consider topics such as the evolution of celebrity and "cult" status; the creation and sharing of fan fiction and vids; gendered, queer, and cis identities in fan culture; relationships between fandom and industry; and fans' use of digital social media. Screenings include serial and episodic TV, camp and "trash" cinema, narrative and documentary films, and fan-generated content. 

Eligible for GSST credit if all papers and projects are focused on GSST topics.

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