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Hannah Ulloa



  2. Phone: (610) 957-6497
  3. Lang Center for Civic & Social Responsibility 206

Hannah Ulloa is the Climate Action Manager for the Office of Sustainability at Swarthmore College. In this role, Hannah is focused on the implementation of the Roadmap To Zero Carbon - leading projects to increase renewable energy and decrease carbon emissions associated with the College, in support of the College’s 2035 carbon neutrality commitment. To this end, Hannah also manages the Carbon Charge Program and oversees the outreach and engagement efforts with the campus community. 

Hannah comes to Swarthmore College with a background in architecture, design, and 5+ years of experience in Higher Ed sustainability and environmental non-profit work. In her previous role as Communications Coordinator for the Office of Sustainability at University of Florida, Hannah focused on engaging the community on topics of climate action, waste/recycling, sustainable buildings, alternative transportation, renewable energy, energy conservation, carbon neutrality, resilience, stewardship and more.

Hannah strives to bring thoughtful metrics and community-building to the center of sustainability efforts by developing collaborative projects and transparent processes that support the growth and long-term success of campus initiatives.

Hannah holds a B.S. in Design (Architecture) from the University of Florida, with a minor in Business Administration. Additional certifications include the Strategic Communications Academy at the University of Florida and the Climate Reporting Masterclass with Climate Central.