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Erin Massey

Director, Employer Connections & Assessment

Career Services


  1. Phone: (610) 328-8193
  2. Parrish Hall 129
Erin Massey

Erin has been working in Career Services at Swarthmore since June 2003.  In addition to meeting one on one with students as they explore their professional identities, one of Erin's primary responsibilities is employer development through building new partnerships and strengthening current employer relationships. Erin works to coordinate recruiting initiatives, both on and off campus, for employers who are interested in connecting with Swarthmore students. Erin also manages various programs in an effort to provide students with guidance and knowledge around diverse career topics. She continues to be amazed and inspired by the students she has the privilege to work with every day. Outside of work, Erin enjoys life with her amazing husband (and high-school sweetheart) and 3 adorable little boys!  She loves spending time with her family and relaxing at the shore whenever possible.