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Introducing Swarthmore Forward: A Plan for Our Future

Dear Swarthmore Community Members,

With both gratitude and excitement, I am pleased to share with you Swarthmore Forward: A Plan for Our FutureApproved by the Board of Managers in December, Swarthmore Forward marks a pivotal moment for the College. Informed by extensive collaborative efforts and thoughtful reflections by members of our community, the plan charts the College’s future and asserts our collective aspirations and dedication to academic and community excellence.

Read Swarthmore Forward: A Plan for Our Future

Swarthmore Forward sets forth initiatives that will further enrich our academic offerings; deepen our community connections; and reinforce our commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and well-being. It is our promise to foster an environment where intellectual curiosity thrives and meaningful connections are nurtured.

Your involvement has been critical to this journey, and your participation was instrumental in shaping a plan that is both ambitious and attainable. As we transition to the implementation phase, your ongoing engagement will be crucial to bringing this plan to life.

In the weeks, months, and, indeed, years ahead, we will provide regular updates on the progress we make toward the goals articulated in the plan, including on the Swarthmore Forward website, which will evolve as our work continues.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our mission of ensuring that all who share in our community flourish and contribute to a better world. Together, we will move Swarthmore forward, embracing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with confidence in our ability to shape a brighter future for the College and, in turn, for the world around us. 

Warm regards,

Val Smith