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Listen: Political Scientist Ben Berger on Super Tuesday Election Results

RadioTimes (WHYY): Taking the Temperature of 2016: Super Tuesday Election Results & What they Mean 

The Super Tuesday results are in – Hillary Clinton garnered victory in seven of eleven states, while Donald Trump mopped the floor with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, winning seven states – more than both candidates combined. Earlier today, Associate Professor of Political Science Ben Berger shared his reaction to the results. 

"Trump is broadening some of the people who are coming to the polls now -- that's not the people who have normally been there," says Berger. "The message that things shouldn't always come from elites [...] -- that's a good message. I just think he's the wrong messenger."

Similarly, he added: "We've got a lot of good messages out there in this particular campaign. I'm not enthused about any of the messengers, and I think a lot of the electorate feel that way as well." 

Berger, the interim executive director of Swarthmore's Lang Center Lang Center for Civic & Social Responsibility, studies the intersection between normative political theory and empirical political science. His current projects include a book on civic education and another on moral engagement and disengagement, which spans the fields of political philosophy, social psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. His book, Attention Deficit Democracy: The Paradox of Civic Engagement, won the North American Society for Social Philosophy Book Award for the best social philosophy book published in 2011.

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