Swarthmore Students Celebrate Passover
Swarthmore Students
Celebrate Passover
by Stacey Kutish
In celebration of Passover, Swarthmore Hillel is sponsoring two communal Seders and a Kosher for Passover Co-op in Bond Memorial Hall. Two dozen students purchased the food and spent several days preparing the kitchen in Bond in order to host meals for fellow students and members of the college and local community.
"It allows those who would not keep Kosher to do so," says Jewish student adviser Jacob Lieberman in the Delaware County Daily Times. "There are 45 people signed up for each Seder, but we plan to prepare for 70."
The Kosher for Passover Co-op will operate from Tues., April 19, through Mon., April 25. Dinners will be cooked by different students each night and eaten communally, while breakfasts and lunches are self-serve. Lieberman will lead the first Seder tonight, while a second, student-led Seder will take place tomorrow night.