Campus Update Following Hurricane Irene
Campus Update Following Hurricane Irene
We have weathered the storm well and classes began this morning as planned. While there is no major damage, there are some wet basements in which students' belongings in those spaces sustained some damage. We are working with students to help address the situation.
Strathhaven Condos, home to about a dozen students, were without power for approximately 18 hours until 3 p.m. Sunday, but the power has been fully restored. A few scattered outages remain in Morganwood, an off-campus residence primarily used by faculty and staff members; these outages should be restored by dark. There is also some damage to trees on campus, including one large uprooted tree behind Mertz Hall. Cleanup will continue through the week.
Many thanks to everyone for taking the recommended precautions and remaining calm during the worst of the bad weather, and best wishes for an otherwise enjoyable and uneventful start of the semester.
Stu Hain
Vice President for Facilities and Services