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Tour Guide Neena Cherayil '11 Gains New Appreciation of Campus

Tour Guide Neena Cherayil '11
Gains New Appreciation of Campus

by Zoe Lewicki

Neena Cherayil '11

Neena Cherayil '11


Neena Cherayil '11, from Wallingford, Pa., started working in the Admissions Office after classes ended. But even though the Class of 2012 has already been chosen and the next class's applications have not yet come in, there is still plenty to do.

Some of Neena's jobs include clerical work, making brochures, and revamping the Web sites, but she likes giving tours the best. She and two other student workers give three tours a day. "Even though Wednesdays are usually a little slow," she says," I am surprised by how many people visit the campus in the summer." 

As a tour guide, Neena continues to learn about Swarthmore, ranging from the number of volumes contained in McCabe Library (800,000) to details about the College's Honors Program. Working from this new perspective as an Admissions Office insider, Neena has also gained insight into the college application process and better understands how seriously admissions officers consider students' applications. "I also see eager students and parents and remember how stressful the experience can be," she says. 

And the strangest question a parent ever asked her: "Do students run to get around campus?"