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Swarthmore Announces New Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations

Swarthmore Announces New
Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations

by Nancy Nicely

Stephen D. Bayer has been named the new Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations for Swarthmore College. Bayer emerged in a national search as the search committee's unanimous and enthusiastic choice.

Stephen Bayer


"Stephen will give authentic and powerful voice to the core values of this community," said President Alfred H. Bloom. "He will offer inspired and empowering leadership to our dynamic development and alumni relations teams. His care for individuals and for this institution, his magnetic persuasive talent, and his imaginative vision will bring ever increasing numbers of alumni, parents, and friends closer to the College in affection, esteem, and support."

Bayer (center) graduated cum laude from Tufts University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts and subsequently received a J.D. from Emory University School of Law. After receiving his law degree, he practiced commercial litigation, proved his entrepreneurial acumen in the business world, and then - motivated by his own profound admiration for quality higher education - joined Swarthmore's development staff as Associate Director for Planned Giving in 2001. He quickly rose to Director of Capital Giving, then to Director of Leadership Giving, then in 2006 to Director of Development, and most recently served as Acting Vice President.

"You will enjoy coming to know Stephen and working with him towards an ever finer Swarthmore."