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Listen to Jess Engebretson '09 Discuss Her Work on War News Radio

Listen to Jess Engebretson '09
Discuss Her Work on War News Radio

by Nancy Nicely

Jess Engebretson '09

Jess Engebretson '09,  an English literature major from Washington, D.C., discusses her work as a senior producer of War News Radio on a recent broadcast by Washington Monthly on the Radio.   Read more about Jess inThe Phoenix.

She is joined by journalist-in-residence Ayub Nuri, an Iraqi journalist who joined War News Radio this year.   Find the podcast here.

This week's War News Radio features a reporter in Kirkuk province who's been following the Iraqi police and army as they take on a major security operation and examines how TV shows like Dr. Phil and Oprah are showing Iraqis a different side of American culture. This week also includes one man's dream to rebuild Iraq's film industry and the first-person story of an Iraqi garbage collector.