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College Launches News Site with Multimedia Focus

College Launches
News Site with Multimedia Focus

by Nancy Nicely



This week, Swarthmore launched a revamped news site that features, largely through video and podcasts, the energy and variety of life on campus. Whether it is a Taiko drumming lesson or a lecture on planet formation, in a classroom or on a stage, the goal is to show in as many ways as possible how life at Swarthmore supports and enriches the life of the mind.

As in its previous incarnation, the news site continues to showcase faculty experts, recent headlines, links to student media, and Swat in the News compilations. New features include areas devoted to videos, typically three to five minutes in length; podcasts of faculty lectures from across the curriculum and of selected music performances; and blogs by students, faculty, and alumni. RSS feeds are also provided so people can subscribe and receive notification when new features are added to the site.