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9th Annual Lax Conference on Entrepreneurship to Be Held at Swarthmore March 30

9th Annual Lax Conference on Entrepreneurship
to Be Held at Swarthmore March 30

by Anita Pace

The 9th annual Jonathan R. Lax Conference on Entrepreneurship will be held at Swarthmore College on Sunday, March 30, from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Science Center. Christopher Laszlo, a 1980 graduate of Swarthmore, partner in the Virginia- based firm Sustainable Value Partners, Inc., and author of the recently published book, Sustainable Value: How the World's Leading Companies Are Doing Well by Doing Good, will open the conference as the keynote speaker.

His address, Sustainability for Competitive Advantage, will be followed by roundtable discussions and panels led by invited Swarthmore alumni representing companies and businesses addressing alternative energy and other environmental issues. Topics of discussion will focus on "green, clean technologies" from both an investment perspective and the perspective of practical applications and solutions. For more information about the speakers or to register for the conference, please visit

The Lax Conference is supported by a bequest from the late Jonathan Lax '71, a business executive, noted social activist, and founder of the Philadelphia-based market research and consulting company The Marketing Audit. The conference is co-sponsored by the Offices of Alumni Relations and Career Services and is free and open to the public.