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Swarthmore to Host Math and Science Conference for Middle School Girls

For Immediate Release:  February 21, 2007
Contact:  Marsha Nishi Mullan    


Swarthmore to Host Math and Science
Conference for Middle School Girls

Swarthmore College will host a math and science conference for middle school girls on Saturday, March 31, which expects to draw 150 seventh- and eighth-grade girls from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. The conference, organized by Swarthmore students will feature hands-on math and science workshops and discussions on being a female in math- and science-related fields.

The program strives to keep middle school girls involved in math and science by introducing them to women professionals successful in these fields.

Lauren Yoshizawa '09, a conference organizer, says, "The hope is that these girls will continue to study math and science in high school, a time when statistics show many girls drop out of those fields. We hope that a positive experience like this will stick with these girls and encourage them to pursue their goals in the maths and sciences."

The event is affiliated with Expanding Your Horizons (EYH), a 30-year-old network organization that helps coordinate similar conferences across the country. Nicole Belanger '08 organized Swarthmore's first program in 2005. The program at Swarthmore is young but growing quickly.

 "Each year the planning committee has tried hard to expand and improve our conference," says Yoshizawa. "This year we are excited to increase our capacity to 150 girls and over 20 workshops."

Girls who attend the conference can take workshops such as "Not Quite CSI—Forensic Science" and "Web Pros."  "We also have introduced a few workshops led by female students at the College for the girls' parents," says Yoshizawa.

The application deadline for this year's conference is Thursday, March 1.  The conference will be held at Swarthmore on Saturday, March 31, from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  The program is free of charge, and lunch is provided.  To apply to the conference or to learn more about EYH at Swarthmore visit or e-mail

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