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Swarthmore Students Win Honors in National Russian Contest

For Immediate Release:  April 24 , 2007
Contact:  Marsha Nishi Mullan     


Swarthmore Students Win Honors
in National Russian Contest


Peter Holm of Monroeville, Pa., a senior at Swarthmore College, won a bronze medal, and Abigail Graber, a junior from Silver Spring, Md., received honorable mention in the 2007 National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest sponsored recently by the American Council of Teachers of Russian (ACTR).

Holm, an honors history major with an honors minor in Russian, is the son of Catherine and Mark Holm and a 2003 graduate of Gateway High School. He placed third in the Non-Heritage Learners Level Four (fourth-year Russian) category.

Abigail Graber of Silver Spring, Md., won an honorable mention in the Non-Heritage Learners, Level 3 category of the ACTR contest. The daughter of Julia Frank and Mark Graber, she is a 2004 graduate of Montgomery Blair High School. Graber, a junior at Swarthmore, is also a history major with a minor in political science.

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