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Seventh Swarthmore Senior Wins Prestigious Fulbright Fellowship

For Immediate Release:  May 16, 2006
Contact:  Marsha Nishi Mullan     


Seventh Swarthmore Senior Wins Prestigious
Fulbright Fellowship

Bernadette Baird-Zars of Austin, Tex., a senior at Swarthmore College, has been named a Fulbright Fellow for 2006.  She is the seventh Swarthmore senior to receive this honor this year.   Baird-Zars, the daughter of Belle Zars and Joel Baird, plans to use her Fulbright Fellowship to return to Syria where she spent a semester abroad last year.  In Damascus, she will study "new" uses of public space and will work with the Aga Khan Trust for Culture Historic Cities Support Programme.

Baird-Zars is a special Honors major in political science and educational studies.  As a Lang Scholar at Swarthmore, she is actively involved in several community service projects. She has also been involved in Swarthmore for Immigrants' Rights, the Swarthmore Volunteer Language Bank, Enie (Spanish Literary Magazine), Friends' Meeting Worship and Ministry member, Socioeconomic Class Awareness Month and the Class Storytellers Project, and Dialogues for Peace Initiatives (2002-2003).

Administered by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, the Fulbright Scholar Program awards full research fellowships to graduating seniors after an extensive application process.  Recipients receive free housing and a stipend to cover living expenses.