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  • December 2019 - end of fall semester.  Great job Math 66 students.
  • Summer 2019     - superb summer of computational neuroscience research with Madison Shoraka '21 and JJ Balisanyuka-Smith '22
  • May 2019              - with Rebecca Everett, Victor Barranca, and Nsoki Mavinga - Awarded Mellon Tri-Co Faculty Forum Seed grant to Enhance Applied Mathematics at the Tri-Colleges
  • May 2019              - end of spring semester.  Thanks to Math 66 students and everyone at Swarthmore for a great 2nd year!
  • February 2019     - Poster at ARO 2019
  • December 2018 - with Rebecca Everett and Nsoki Mavinga - Awarded Mellon Tri-Co Faculty Forum Brainstorming grant to create the Tri-College Applied Math Working Group
  • July 2018               - poster at CNS Seattle
  • May 2018              - talk at the 2018 Swarthmore STEM retreat. Great opportunity to interact with colleagues on campus
  • May 2018              - end of spring semester.  Thanks to Math 27 students and everyone at Swarthmore for a great 1st year!
  • February 2018     - talk at the Penn Computational Neuroscience seminar
  • December 2017 - end of fall semester.  Thanks to Math 34 students and everyone at Swarthmore for a great 1st semester!
  • November 2017 - Presented a (very) brief (3 minute, one slide) description of my research at the 2017 Faculty Showcase.  See slide here
  • October 2017      - Signatures of Somatic Inhibition and Dendritic Excitation in Auditory Brainstem Field Potentials (with Mc Laughlin, Verschooten, Joris, and Rinzel) published in Journal of Neuroscience
  • October 2017      - University of Washington Alums on the Faculty Life
  • September 2017 - Assistant Professor in Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Swarthmore College.  Honored and excited to be joining this amazing community!