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Fall 2021 Religious Holidays

Based on information students have shared with us, the largest religious communities on campus are Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, and Hindu. Listed below are the major holidays most often observed by practicing members of these communities for the upcoming semester. We acknowledge that this list is not exhaustive. 

We ask that faculty, coaches, staff, supervisors, and student groups:

  • Be aware of these holidays in planning major events and due dates.
  • Attempt to accommodate faculty, staff, and students who may need time off for religious observances around these dates.
  • Be sensitive to those observing holidays who may be fasting (e.g., for Ramadan, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday).

Please also keep in mind that:

  • There may be other holidays not included on this list observed by members of these traditions or other traditions, and we hope their observance will be accommodated.
  • Due to the lunar calendar of some holidays, and differences among cultures and sects within a single religion, there may be some variation in observances and dates.
  • Anyone with questions about requests for religious accommodation is encouraged to reach out to one of the Religious Advisors at the Interfaith Center, located in the Hormel-Nguyen Intercultural Center at Sproul Hall.

Fall 2021 Major Holidays

Sept. 6–8 (sundown to sundown): Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
Sept. 10: Ganesh Chaturthi (Hindu)
Sept. 15–16 (sundown to sundown): Yom Kippur (Jewish) 
Sept. 20–22 (sundown to sundown): First two days of Sukkot (Jewish)
Sept. 27–28 (sundown to sundown): Arba‘een (Muslim — Shi‘i)
Sept. 27–29 (sundown to sundown): Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah (Jewish)

Oct. 6–14: Navaratri (Hindu)
Oct. 15: Vijayadashami, aka Dussehra (Hindu)
Oct. 17–18 (sundown to sundown): Mawlid (Muslim — Sunni)
Oct. 22–23 (sundown to sundown): Mawlid (Muslim — Shi‘i)

Nov. 4: Diwali (Hindu)
Nov. 28–Dec. 6 (sundown to sundown): Hanukkah (Jewish)

Dec. 8: Bodhi Day (Buddhist)