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Information for Graduates

Commencement 2015

Cap & Gown

Graduating seniors must wear a cap and gown to participate in Baccalaureate and Commencement. Orders for caps and gowns will be taken by the bookstore in March. Seniors may choose to rent or purchase their regalia. Rented gowns must be returned on Commencement Day.

Ordering dates will be communicated to seniors via email. Students who are off-campus should visit the bookstore's web site or call the bookstore at (610) 328-7756 to order a cap and gown. Late orders will be subject to a late fee.

Senior Packets - Mid April

Senior Packets will be distributed in mid-April by the senior class officers. Members of the senior class will be notified via email of the dates, times, and location for pickup. The packet will contain 12 commencement announcements, three tickets for the Commencement box lunches, and two tickets for the Baccalaureate rain location. Commencement tickets will be provided at rehearsal May 27.

Seniors desiring additional announcements should check with Steph Holznagel in Parrish 104 in late April regarding availability.

Seniors may purchase additional tickets at $10 each for the box lunches in the Dining Hall main office during office hours, beginning May 1.


Verify Commencement program listing and diploma information -
April 1 through May 16

Between April 1 and May 16, visit the bulletin board outside the Registrar's Office to verify the correct listing of your name, major(s) and minor(s) for your diploma.

The Commencement Program lists the Bachelor of Arts candidates, the Bachelor of Science candidates, honors by recipients, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Fellowships and Prizes and Pennsylvania Teacher Certification. If you do not want to be included in the Commencement program, you must notify the registrar in writing before May 13.

Financial and Academic Obligations

In order to graduate, financial obligations to the College must be met by noon on Friday, May 13. All academic requirements (except for honors oral examinations) must be fulfilled by Monday, May 16.