Alumni Weekend 2023

Yashvi Patel ’24 introduces John Mather H'94 ’68

John Mather H'94 ’68, Nobel laureate and senior project scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope at NASA, delivered a lecture about the telescope.

On Friday, the College dedicated the murals in Old Tarble to Mari S. Michener Professor of Art History Constance Cain Hungerford and unveiled a plaque in her honor.

On Friday, the College dedicated the murals in Old Tarble to Mari S. Michener Professor of Art History Constance Cain Hungerford and unveiled a plaque in her honor.

Christopher Edley, Jr. ’73, H’99 gives this year’s collection address, “Considering the Humanly Impossible.”

BoHee Yoon ’01 passes the Alumni Council gavel to Ayanna Johnson ’09, welcoming her as the new Alumni Council President.

Award winners: Joseph B. Shane ’25 Alumni Service Award (David Tornquist ’78) and Eugene M. Lang ’38, H’81 Impact Award (Julia Landau ’78)
Not pictured: Arabella Carter Community Service Award winner Veronica Herrera ’03.

Chester Children's Chorus performs

Parade of Classes 2023

Class of 1953

Class of 1958

Class of 1960

Class of 1963

Class of 1968

Class of 1973

Class of 1978

Class of 1983

Class of 1985

Class of 1988

Class of 1993

Class of 1998

Class of 2003

Class of 2008

Class of 2013

Class of 2018