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Course Details

Course Title Structure of Chinese
Campus Haverford
Semester Spring 2023
Registration ID LINGH282B001
Credit 1.00
Department Linguistics
Times and Days
TTh 11:30am-01:00pm
Room Location HLL112
Course Info Class Number: 1408 This course is designed to acquaint students with both the syntactic and semantic structures of Mandarin Chinese and the theoretical implications they pose to the study of natural language. Students will have an opportunity to further their understanding of linguistic theories and to develop skills in analyzing a non-Indo-European language systematically.; Enrollment Limit: 16; Prerequisite(s): At least two of the following: LING 101, 113, 114, or consent of the instructor. Priority to seniors and juniors. (Knowledge of Chinese is NOT required.) Div: I; Social Science, B: Analysis of the Social World, A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts) (; Hav: SO, B, A)
Class Nbr: 1408 Lim: 16 BMC: I; ; Hav: SO, B, A
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