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Course Details

Course Title Linguists as Partners in Language Work
Campus Haverford
Semester Spring 2023
Registration ID LINGH260H001
Credit 0.50
Department Linguistics
Times and Days
W 08:30am-11:00am
Room Location LUT211
Course Info Class Number: 2781 This course prepares students for doing language work with community partners, e.g. through a summer internship. Students will consider ethical and cultural questions that might arise in the context of language work. Students will review technical skills they might need to be good partners in language work, such as elicitation and data workflow. This half unit course will be held once a week, starts in the second half of Spring semester. ; Pre-requisite(s): instructor permission; Enrollment Limit: 25.00 Social Science, B: Analysis of the Social World (Hav: SO, B)
Class Nbr: 2781 Hav: SO, B
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