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Course Details

Course Title Speech Synthesis and Recognition
Campus Haverford
Semester Fall 2022
Registration ID LINGH208A001
Credit 1.00
Department Linguistics
Times and Days
MW 01:00pm-02:30pm
Room Location CHS101
Course Info Class Number: 2286 An introduction to the methodologies used in the automated recognition and synthesis of human speech, focusing on Hidden Markov Models in recognition and unit selection in synthesis. Students will get hands-on experience with implementing the various components of these systems to better understand the techniques, challenges, and open areas of research. ; Crosslisted: Computer Science, Linguistics; Prerequisite(s): LING 204, CS105 and 106 OR CS107 OR BMC 110 and 206 OR instructor consent; Enrollment Limit: 24; Lottery Preference(s):; 1) Junior and Senior CS or LING majors; 2) Junior and Senior CS or LING minors; 3) Then Seniors, then Juniors, then Sophomores, then Freshmen Natural Science, Symbolic Reasoning, C: Physical and Natural Processes (; Hav: NA, QUS, C)
Class Nbr: 2286 Lim: 24 ; Hav: NA, QUS, C
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