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Course Details

Course Title Introduction to Semantics
Campus Haverford
Semester Fall 2022
Registration ID LINGH114A001
Credit 0.00
Department Linguistics
Times and Days
TTh 11:30am-01:00pm
Room Location CHS101
Course Info Class Number: 2284 This course focuses on the study of meaning in human language. We will explore semantic issues that arise from the lexicon, the sentences, and the discourse. Along the way, we will investigate not only the semantic structure of natural language but also pragmatic factors that affect language use. This is a participation-intensive course. In the process, students will not only learn the basic semantic theory but will also develop skills in observing semantic patterns and analyzing these patterns in order to come to some generalizations on their own.; Prerequisite(s): Any previous linguistics class or instructor permission.; Enrollment Limit: 25; Lottery Preference(s):; (1) Sr. Ling Majors; (2) Jr. Ling Majors; (3) Sr. Ling Minors; (4) Jr. Ling Minors; (5) Neuroscience minors; (6) sophomores; (7) first years; (8) everyone else (jrs/seniors) Humanities, Symbolic Reasoning, B: Analysis of the Social World (; Hav: HU, QUS, B)
Class Nbr: 2284 Lim: 25 ; Hav: HU, QUS, B
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