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Course Details

Course Title Introduction to Syntax
Campus Bryn Mawr
Semester Fall 2022
Registration ID LINGB113001
Credit 1.00
Department Linguistics
Times and Days
MW 02:40pm-04:00pm
Room Location PK243
Course Info Class Number: 2083 Introduces the investigation of sentence structures in human language, emphasizing insights from linguists over the past 40 years. The class will develop increasingly complex theory starting with basic assumptions and seeing where they lead. Students will gain a clearer understanding of grammar, develop and refine skills of analysis, writing, and argumentation. We will focus on English, occasionally using other languages to look at ways human languages are similar and how they differ. Haverford: Humanities (HU) ( ) Enrollment Cap: 25; If the course exceeds the enrollment cap the following criteria will be used for the lottery: Majors and minors by class (seniors then juniors), then Neuroscience Minors, then Sophomores, then Juniors, then Seniors;
Class Nbr: 2083 HU
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