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Course Details

Course Title Computational Linguistics
Campus Bryn Mawr
Semester Fall 2022
Registration ID CMSCB325001
Credit 0.00
Department Linguistics
Times and Days
MW 10:10am-11:30am
M 11:40am-01:00pm
Room Location PK245, PK231
Course Info Class Number: 2062 Introduction to computational models of understanding and processing human languages. How elements of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence can be combined to help computers process human language and to help linguists understand language through computer models. Topics covered: syntax, semantics, pragmatics, generation and knowledge representation techniques. Prerequisite: CMSC B151 , or CMSC H106/H107, and CMSC 231, or permission of instructor. Haverford: C: Physical and Natural Processes (C), Natural Science (NA) Enrollment Cap: 24; If the course exceeds the enrollment cap the following criteria will be used for the lottery:Majors and minors by class (seniors then juniors)
Class Nbr: 2062 NA
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