23 January 2008
Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2008
Cathy Pescatore, Lois Falzone, Mimi Weiler, Mary Marissen, Brady Gonsalves, Tami Gura, Beth Baksi, Marian Fahy, Lynn Grady, Chuck Breischaft, Val Gibson, Brad Rumsey and Michelle Hartel
Human Resources:
Melanie Young
Equal Opportunity Officer:
Sharmaine LaMar
Follow up on the Winter Gathering:
Melanie spoke with Lee Robinson about the congestion problem at the Winter Gathering and they contacted the Catering Department to see what they thought. The Catering Department suggested that we try having the awards at Lang Music and the food at Tarble. Some felt that we would lose people between venues especially if the weather is an issue. Some thought we could try LPAC, also maybe try hiring students to pass food on trays. Melanie mentioned that the next Gathering is the same week as Board Weekend and asked if moving the event to the following week would cause a problem. The group thought it was a good idea to move the event to the following week.
Follow up "do not mail lists" (Going Green):
Melanie reported that ITS is working on access to mailing lists. It will be possible to create "do not mail lists". We can then ask departments if they would be interested in this so that, to prevent waste, employees can opt not to receive expensive mailings which they would discard if received. More research is being done by Tami Gura and Mimi Weiler. Once this project is in place, HR will no longer be responsible for creating mailing lists for all campus mailings.
SAC Minutes:
We agreed that SAC minutes will no longer be distributed via attachment to e-mail. Starting this month, minutes will be posted on the SAC website and employees will be notified upon posting of the minutes.
First Friday:
SAC members conducted an informal poll about interest in First Friday gatherings, which concluded that there is little to no interest in the program. SAC agreed that it's best to discontinue the program given the lack of interest.
SAC Meetings: February 13, March 19, April 16, May 14.
Submitted by,
Lynn Grady
SAC Secretary