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22 August 2017

Staff Advisory Council Meeting

Special Meeting

Minutes for Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Attendance: Diane Fritz, Meghan Gebhard, Susan Eagar, Trish Tancredi, Julie DiPietro, Nabil Kashyap, Kim Strand, Pamela Prescod-Caesar, Lauri Courtenay, Pam Harris, Pamela Borkowski-Valentin, Lynn Grady, Luis Alvarez




SAC meetings 2017-2018 dates:


Tuesday, Sept 19                   
Tuesday, Oct 17
Tuesday, Nov 21                    
Tuesday, Feb 20
Tuesday, Mar 20                    
Tuesday, Apr 17


All meetings 10:00 am.  Location tba


Re-purpose/re-word  By-Laws

Domenic, Pamela and Diane reviewed and updated the By-Laws to more accurately reflect current practices, over the summer.
The group has been asked to review proposed revisions and share feedback or questions to Diane.
Proposed language to clarify the terms of membership ( membership is voluntary but election process will be invoked if there are more volunteers interested than positions available.
A request for members to reach out to staff in their circles a week prior to each meeting to solicit input for the meeting.
Agenda items should be submitted to Diane and Domenic a week before the SAC meeting to be included for discussion.


 Circle Configurations

The circles have traditionally been divided by geographical location on campus. 
Due to new construction and department relocations, departments may fall into new circles. As a result, we will review the Circles annually to ensure that all staff members are included in a Circle.
Each Circle should have at least 2 staff members to serving on the Committee.  Some Circles may have 3 members due to the size of the staff population in those areas.
Recruitment and outreach will be made to those Circles with only one person serving. We may ask for volunteers to serve for one year if they are unable to commit to a three year term. 
It was suggested that the Chester Circle members connect with the 101 Chester Cheer Committee to share updates on a regular basis.
Diane will inform George and Ben about the changes in their respective Circles.


An updated Circle reconfiguration will be shared by the next meeting.

Current Circles:

CHESTER ROAD (Julie DiPietro S’19, Trish Tancredi S’20, and Pamela Borkowsi-Valentin S’19)



Endowment Revenue

Institutional Research

Institutional Risk/Legal Affairs

VP for Finance & Treasurer’s Office

Human Resources/Payroll Office

Business Office

The Bulletin


LANG CIRCLE (Diane Fritz S’18 and Lauri Courtenay S’19)



Computer Science



English Literature

Lang Center

Lang Performing Arts Center


Modern Languages




Theater Department


MAGILL CIRCLE (Luis Alvarez S’20 and Kim Strand S’21)


Environmental Services


ROSE GARDEN CIRCLE (George Darbes and Ben Wilson S’19)


Dean of Students Division

Counseling & Psychological Services

Health Center

Public Safety


SCOTT CIRCLE (Pam Harris S’20 and Nabil Kashyap S’20)


Friends Historical Library

McCabe Library

Off-Campus Study Office

Peace Collection

Scott Arboretum

Tri College Project


SHARPLES (Lynn Grady S’19 and Liz Stern S’19)


Board Operation

Essie Mae’s

Snack/Coffee Bars



SOUTH CIRCLE (Domenic Porrini S’19 and Christi Pappert S’19)


Facilities & Capital Projects

General Athletics

Club Sports

Office Services


Dining Services

One Card

Post Office

Title IX Office


TARBLE (Susan Eagar S’20)


Admissions Office

Institute for Liberal Arts

Office of the President

Provost Office



WHITTIER (Meghan Gebhard S’18)


Academic Computing

Administrative Information Systems


Asian Studies


Client Services


Enterprise Services

Film and Media Studies


Information Technology


Media Services


Political Science





 Fall All-Staff and Winter Gathering – THURSDAY, NOV 16, 10:30 am – 12:00 noon

SAC members were asked to solicit ideas/topics for the All Staff agenda to share at the Sept Meeting

Current Suggestions

Construction updates


 SAC Open House

Purpose is to meet staff in our circles, to develop an opportunity to engage and learn more about SAC and to encourage idea sharing.
Date set for Oct 17, 10-11 a.m.
Location TBD-  will explore Sharples or Bond
Consider scheduling a shuttle to get folks there
Offer a light breakfast- HR has offered to support the cost of a continental breakfast and/or refreshments.