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19 November 2014

Minutes of SAC Meeting WednesdayNovember 19th


Rose Maio, George Darbes, Paula Dale, Liliana Rodriguez, Trish Tancredi, Sue Wigo, Deb Doherty, Lynn Grady, Sharmaine LaMar, Danie Martin, Pattie Kim-Keefer, Christi Pappert, Zenobia Hargust

 Human Resources (Zenobia Hargust)--Update on E-Timekeeping Project

  • This current roll out is actually the 2nd phase of the College’s electronic time and attendance implementation, since many of our employees have been using an electronic system since 2008.
  • Since beginning the 2nd phase, we have implemented 32 departments and over 60 % of the employees who were on paper at the outset of phase 2, which began in 2013. We currently have under 100 employees remaining to be converted
  • We originally anticipated being complete with this project this calendar year, but unfortunately for about 5 months this summer we experienced a technical bug which delayed our progress
    • The delay did allow us to take pause and critically evaluate some of the feedback we have received regarding the product and we plan on working with our vendor to explore configuration changes to enhance the user experience.
    • We also anticipate bringing on new departments through the winter and spring.

Dean Lili Rodriguez-- Culture Climate Study Committee

--Her committee will be rolling out a campus-wide survey to receive feedback on Swarthmore as a whole--living, working, learning at Swarthmore. How does the campus really feel about Swarthmore?

--Launch date for the survey will be spring break. Findings will be presented to the new president in the summer.

--All findings will be made public (without names).

--Survey will take 20-30 minutes, but most people finish the survey in one sitting. Accommodations will be made so that "all" staff can take the survey.

--Aiming for 100% participation from the entire campus community.

--Had 19 different focus groups according to identity to help create questions, format for the survey.

--Lili will present at the next all-staff meeting.

 Christi Pappert is still collecting the list of college wide committee’s, she will share with members before our next meeting.

 Trico SAC Luncheon

--Swarthmore will host

--Rose will contact Bryn Mawr and Haverford to set a date for sometime in Jan.

 Concerns from SAC Circles:

 Question: Issue of wasting paper with giving out the Phoenix to all departments while it is online. Another similar issue with students leaving their trash in the mailbox/Shane Lounge area after they get their mail.

 Response: Sue Wigo will reach out to Laura Cacho, Director of Sustainability to contact the Phoenix about thinking about more efficient ways of distributing the print newspapers. Sue will also contact Vince at the Post Office to make sure that departments are getting the correct about of newspapers.

 --Paula Dale will look into putting out more recycling bins in Shane to accommodate the trash left by students.

 Question: College should consider creating an ombudsman to ensure that all members of the College community receive fair and equitable treatment. Currently, there isn't an advocate for staff concerns. It was also stated that HR is not viewed by all staff members as confidential nor is HR an appropriate advocate for staff concerns.

 Response: Zenobia: The role of HR is to facilitate discussion that serves the need of the greater good. Everything that comes to HR (for the exception of actions that warrant an immediate response) will be kept confidential. Therefore, staff/faculty are encouraged to voice any concerns or opinions they may have to someone in HR. You can also use external resource such as Carebridge if you feel you another resource.  This would involve hiring a new employee and would need to be brought to senior staff.

 Question: Please hold all-staff meetings during a week when classes are not in session.

 Response: The meetings are recorded. Rose will contact Media Services to see how SAC can share those recordings in a private setting. Unfortunately, we cannot send out a mass email with the video attached in case there could be sensitive information.

 Winter Gathering on Dec 11 (10am)--SAC members please come early to greet

 SAC Meeting--Dec 17 (9am, Gillespie Room)