18 May 2011
Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for May 18, 2011
Tami Gura , Kelly Fitzpatrick, Linda Hunt, Mary Marissen, Cassy Burnett, Lynn Grady, Sheila Magee, Terry McGrath, Carolyn Saufley, George Darbes, Janet McSwiggan, Pat Hearty, Dorothy Kunzig, Mary Carr, Cathy Pescatore,
Ex-Officio Members:
Sharmaine LaMar
Mary Marissen convened the meeting at 9:35 a.m. in the Scheuer Room.
SAC Representative Changes
Dorothy Kunzig was introduced as the new SAC representative for Whitter Circle and will be replacing Pat Hearty. George Darbes was introduced as the new SAC representative for Magnolia Circle and will be replacing Terry McGrath. Mary Carr was introduced as the new SAC representative for the Rose Garden Circle and will be replacing Betsy Durning. Susan Smythe will be replacing Carolyn Saufley as the new SAC representative for the South Circle. Donnie Franklin will join Ursula Young as a representative for Magill Circle. Jacqueline West will be replacing Mary Marissen as the new SAC representative for the Scott Circle.
Thank you to retiring members: Cathy Pescatore, Terry McGrath, Carolyn Saufley, Betsy Durning, Mary Marissen and Pat Hearty.
Linda Hunt and Mary Carr agreed to serve as SAC Co-Moderators for 2011-2012.
Canned Food Drive
Tami Gura thanked everyone for their support. The drive will continue through the week and a donation site will be set up at spring Fling.
Staff Committee Appointments
The Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee needed 2 staff representatives to serve a 3-year appointment. After reviewing the position criteria, candidates were discussed and through a SAC vote John Dukes Jr. and Mark Davis were selected.
The Faculty Staff Benefits Committee needed 1 staff representative to cover a 2-year appointment. After reviewing the position criteria, candidates were discussed and through a SAC vote Nancy Carroll was selected.
The Climate Action Plan Committee is in need of 2-3 new members for the coming year. At the time of the meeting no nominees were brought forward. It was suggested that a more detailed email be sent to Staff explaining the committee's mission and member responsibilities. Carolyn suggested sending an email to Patti Shields to see if she could circulate to EVS staff since many of the staff members do not have regular access to email at work.
Pets in the Workplace
Mary thanked the SAC members who were able to attend the meeting moderated by Melanie Young and Ben Berger on May 3rd. Any additional questions, ideas or suggestions should be sent to Melanie Young.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35am.
Next meeting will be in September 21, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Whittier Circle Representative