16 January 2013
Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for January 16, 2013
Mary Carr, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Alex McClung, Lynn Grady, Sheila Magee, Donzella Franklin, Susan Smythe
Ex-Officio Members:
Sharmaine LaMar
Mary Carr convened the meeting at 10:05 a.m. in Parrish 221
Retirement Meetings with TIAA-CREF
A staff member asked if it would be possible to have TIAA-CREF come to campus more frequently for individual retirement sessions. Sharmaine will talk to Pamela to see if this is a possibility.
HR Staff Introductions
A SAC member asked if would be possible for the member of Human Resources to come to our next SAC meeting. There have been a lot of changes in the department over the last year and she felt it would be nice to the SAC representatives to put a face with a name. Sharmaine will talk to Pamela to see if this is a request that HR could accommodate.
Human Resources Response Times
A few staff members have mentioned that is seems to be taking HR longer to follow up on requests throughout campus. Some of the specific issues cited were ADA requests, compensation requests and questions about hours worked for part time employees. Pamela was unable to attend the meeting but Sharmaine volunteered to talk to her about the issues being raised.
Staff Development
The feedback for the latest Staff Development day was positive. The theme of the day was technology related and staff members were pleased with the sessions offered.
SAC Business
Mary Carr mentioned that there would be 8 SAC openings this spring. Some discussion ensued on how to get more staff members to want to be involved. Some suggestions were to make a list of the initiatives that SAC has been involved in over the years to distribute when sending emails to solicit volunteers. It was also suggested that we might want to have a more formal way of escalating the issues brought to SAC reps to the parties involved with the request. In response to this a SAC member suggested that for issues pertaining to HR we might want to have a SAC representative attend an HR staff meeting monthly to report on issues raised. Another suggestion was to develop a system that more formally tracks issues raised and the responses received.
February Agenda Items
Topics currently set for February's meeting are: HR response to issues raised, All-Staff meeting, SAC openings and By-law review.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Whittier Circle Representative