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11 April 2012

Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for April 11, 2012


Linda Hunt, Mary Carr, Sheila Magee, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jacqui West, Donnie Franklin, Delroy Griffiths, Alex McClung, George Darbes, Janet McSwiggan, Rose Maio, Dorothy Kunzig, Lynn Grady, Steve Palmer

Ex-Officio Members:

Sharmaine LaMar and Janis Leone in attendance for Pamela Prescod-Caesar

Linda Hunt convened the meeting at 9:35 in the Scheuer Room

Food Drive

Tami Gura attended to speak talk about the upcoming food drive which will start on 5/7 and coincide with the Spring Gathering. There will be donation boxes set up in Sharples, Essie Maes and the Science Center coffee bar. Tami will send a notice to the campus with the drive information.

Public Safety Director Mike Hill

Mike Hill attended the meeting to introduce himself to the SAC representatives. After introductions Mike spoke a little about his vision for the department. He is thinking about a possible Public Safety Committee that will meet monthly to stay focused on issues happening on campus. He is hoping to have a more formal plan by the end of the semester but if not definitely during the Fall semester. SAC reps gave him a brief overview of some of the hot topics on campus such as parking and pets on campus. Mike asked that if staff is calling Public safety about an issued to try and have as many specifics as possible. Jacqui West suggested that is would be a good idea for Mike to speak at the Fall All-Staff meeting. Mike talked about being aware of your surroundings on campus and if something seems suspicious to please report it to Public Safety.

Bereavement question

A staff member asked if the bereavement policy could be looked at as it seemed 1 day was not long enough for family services out of town and certainly was not enough if you are in a long term relationship. They were wondering if anyone has done a peer comparison. Some discussion ensued about what is currently available and if it should be relooked at.

Committee Appointments

The Diversity committee is in need of 3 appointments and the EOAC is in need of 2. SAC reps will send an email to their circles soliciting volunteers for the positions. Sharmaine will send committee information to SAC that will give us a better understanding of what the committees do.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Fitzpatrick
Whittier Circle Representative