Rachel Buurma
Associate Professor
On Leave - Academic Year
English Literature
Affiliations: English Literature, Interpretation Theory, Mellon Mays, Comparative Literature

Rachel Sagner Buurma works on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature and print culture, the history of the novel, higher education studies, twentieth-century Anglo-American literary criticism, and literary informatics. Her book The Teaching Archive: A New History for Literary Study (Chicago, January 2021), co-authored with Laura Heffernan, shows how the core ideas and texts of twentieth-century literary study have been made in classrooms at community colleges, HBCUs, public universities, and small liberal arts colleges - not at elite research univerities. She is currently teaching The Rise of the Novel (and the Rise of Social Media) and has recently taught a Victorian Novel Research Seminar. For more information, see her personal website and cv.