Recent Faculty Publications
Timothy Burke, Professor of History
- "Misrule in Africa: Is NEPAD the Solution?" Global Dialogue, Summer/Autumn 2004.
- "Eyes Wide Shut: Africanists and the Moral Problematics of Postcolonial Societies". African Studies Quarterly, 7:2, 2003.
- "Our Mosquitos Are Not So Big: Images in the Making of Mass Communications in Colonial Zimbabwe." Pictures and People in Africa, Paul Landau and Deborah Kaspin, ed., University of California Press, 2002.
Syd Carpenter, Professor of Studio Art
- Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania
- Renwick Gallery of American Art of the Smithsonain Museum
- James A. Michener Museum of Art, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
- Art in General, New York, New York
- Frederick R. Weisman Collection, Los Angeles, CA
- Muriel Newman Collection, Chicago Illinois
- Jengdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jengdezhen, China
- Philadelphia Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum
- Bell Atlantic Corporation, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania
Anthony Foy, Associate Professor of English
- Black Ideography: Autobiography, Ideology, and Image in Jim Crow America (book manuscript in progress).
- "Class, Conversion, Control: Black Autobiography as Institutional Practice" (article in progress).
- "Discipline and Publish: The Criminal Subjects of Black Autobiography" (article in progress).
- "The Visual Properties of Black Autobiography: The Case of William J. Edwards" (forthcoming book chapter).
- "Matthew Henson and the Antinomies of Racial Uplift," a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 28.1: Special Issue on African American Life Writing (Summer 2012):19-44.
- "Joe Louis's Talking Fists: The Auto/Biopolitics of My Life Story," American Literary History 23.2 (Summer 2011): 311-36.Timothy Burke, Professor of History
Peter Schmidt, Professor of English Literature
- Sitting in Darkness: New South Fiction, Education, and the Rise of Jim Crow Colonialism, 1865-1920. Jackson: The University Press of Mississippi, 2008. Includes chapters on Frances Harper, Albion Tourgée, Thomas Dixon, Sutton Griggs, Walter Hines Page, and W. E. B. DuBois, plus discussions of many fiction writers or texts on which very little has been published--such as Ellwood Griest, Ellen M. Ingraham, George Marion McClellan, and Washington Cable's final novel. Literary readings are combined with historical analysis linking development in the New South, education theory, and new U.S. colonial projects in the Caribbean and the Pacific.
- Anxious Whiteface: Joel Chandler Harris and "Race" in New South Fiction, 1880-1900. Projected completion date: 2007.
Christy Schuetze, Assistant Professor of Anthropology
- [Under review]: "Narrative Fortresses: Crisis Narratives and the Production of Conflict in the COnservation of MOunt Gorongosa, Mozambique." Conservation and Society.
- Schuetze, Christy and Heidi Gengenbach; [In preparation] Introduction to special journal issue on Gorongosa Restoration Project. Conservation and Society.
- Schuetze, Christy and Carolien Jacobs; 2011; "Violence Against Violence: In Search of Security and Justice," Etnofoor 23(2):17-36.
- Schuetze, Christy and Carolien Jacobs; 2011; "Justice With Their Own Hands: Lynching, Poverty, Witchcraft, and the State in Mozambique," in Manfred Berg and Simon Wendt, eds. Globalizing Lynching History. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
- 2010. PhD dissertation; "The World is Upside Down: Women's Participation in Religious Movements and the Search for Social Healing in Central Mozambique."
- 2008. "Examining the Role of Language in Healing: a Comparison of Two Therapeutic Interventions for Spirit Possession," pp. 33-54 in Toyin Falola and Matthew Heaton, eds., Health, Knowledge, and Belief Systems in Africa. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- 2003. Baptista, Samuel Joao, Celestino Sacaune Canda & Christy Schuetze; Kuona na Kulemba: Malongero a chi-Gorongosi. Translation from chiSena to chiGorongosi of adult literacy materials; Ministry of Education, Mozambique.
Sarah S. Willie, Associate Professor of Sociology
- Acting Black: College, Identity, and the Performance of Race, Routledge. 2003.
- Antiphony: Essays about Living in America (book in progress)
- Librarians at the Gate: Barbarians, Democracy,, and the Fight for America's Soul. Book project in progress (working title)
- Radio Times with Marty Moss-Cohane, WHYY Public Radio, Philadelphia, PA
2007 "Is Obama 'Articulate': Interpreting the Implications of Sen. Biden's Remarks About a 2008 African American Presidential Candidate"