An Evening with Nalo Hopkinson
"Passengers on the Mothership: Writing the Literature of the Imagination"
On October 27 acclaimed author Nalo Hopkinson will read from and discuss her fiction at Swarthmore College. The event is open to the public.Nalo Hopkinson is an award-winning author, editor, and teacher. Her fiction often mixes her Caribbean heritage with her interest in literature of the fantastic. She won the prestigious Sunburst Award for Canadian literature of the fantastic for both her novel The New Moon’s Arms and her short story collection, Skin Folk, while her novel The Salt Roads was shortlisted for the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award for Black Writers. She has also won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.
Nalo also edited the highly praised anthology Mojo: Conjure Stories, a collection of fantastic tales of the Black diaspora, and she is a founding member of the Carl Brandon Society which exists to foster discussion on race and ethnicity in the genres of the fantastic. She has been a writer-in-residence at Green College, University of British Columbia, at Huron College in London, Ontario, and in the intensive Clarion writing workshop program both at Michigan State University and in Brisbane, Australia. She currently teaches at Humber College in Toronto.
Nalo Hopkinson
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Science Center Auditorium 101
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA
Sponsored by the Program in Creative Writing of the Department of English Literature, and the Department of Black Studie