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Teaching & Curricular Support

faculty and students

The College offers on-campus resources to support faculty in their teaching.

Teaching and Learning Commons

This new welcoming and inclusive center will support students and faculty in meeting the evolving demands and possibilities of teaching and learning in the 21st century with: better organization and coordination of the College’s resources, collaboration between faculty and staff to enhance accessibility, and development of regular programming for educational staff. After campus-wide consultation, Associate Professor of Educational Studies Elaine Allard has been named Director of the Commons beginning in the 2022-23 academic year.  Please visit their section on Faculty Resources for more information.

Information Technology Services

Academic Technology supports the use of technology in teaching, learning, and research and supports faculty in their use of learning spaces, academic software, high performance computing, web and mobile development, Moodle, the Language and Media Centers, and support for the creation and use of digital media.  The Media Center provides audiovisual and digital media equipment supporting instructional activities.

Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility

The Lang Center works with students, faculty and staff to provide education for civic and social responsibility in the context of academic excellence. The Center supports faculty who are interested in engaging students in community based learning by offering curriculum grants to faculty who wish to create new courses and modify existing courses to include community based learning components; providing support in creating community partnerships and finding community placements; helping to coordinate transportation, orientation, reflection and skills workshops for students engaged in community based learning courses.

Click here to explore the resources available through the Lang Center.

Swarthmore College Library

The Swarthmore College Library provides faculty with support for course preparation and teaching. In particular, the Library can provide assistance in setting up course and seminar reserves (hard copy and online) for books, articles, video, and audio; provide in-class or in-Library instruction for classes or for individual students conducting research for a class or thesis; help faculty to build collections needed for new or revised courses.

Writing Program

Swarthmore's Writing Program provides faculty with resources to support student writing in both courses designated as Writing ("W") courses and those that are not. In addition to student writing support, the Program provides consultation and occasional workshops for faculty about writing assignments, assessments, and course development with members of the Writing Program staff.