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Archives 2016

Congratulation to Liliya, Supriya, Scott and Rowen for publication of their article: "Interaction of a Cationic Porphyrin and its Metal Derivatives with G-Quadruplex DNA" in J. Phys. Chem. B

Congratulation to Thomas, Barrett, and Supriya for publication of their article: "Lowering the overall charge on TMPyP4 improves its selectivity for G-quadruplex DNA”  in Biochimie.

Deondre Jordan received travel award to attended Annual Biomedical Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). ABRCMS is a professional conference that brings together underrepresented students who plan to pursue a career in STEM. Deondre presented a talk titled:“Investigating the secondary structure of non-canonical DNA implicated in Cancer”. He was recognized for the excellent of his presentation with the Biochemistry award.

Liliya receives Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award for her work titled: Deciphering the Structure and Dynamics of Quadruplex DNA and DNA-ligand complexes.

In September the lab welcomes two new group member, Letitia Ho '19 and Allan Gao '19.

In September  Barrett, Irene, Sayed and Deondre presented their research at Swarthmore Sigma Xi poster session at Swarthmore as well as at Undergraduate Science Research Symposium at Haverford.

In August Liliya, Barrett, Irene, Sayed and Deondre went to the 252nd ACS National meeting. Liliya and Barrett gave oral presentations while Sayed, Irene, and Deondre presented posters. 

In July the whole lab (Liliya, Amber, Barrett, Deondre, and Sayed) went to Louisville to meet the lab of Brad Chaires. We had two  exciting and wonderful days of intense research collaborations. We learned how to run AUC, ITC, Stop-flow, and computer modeling, and got excellent data. Read more about our Louisville trip here.

Liliya, Amber, Barrett, Deondre, and Sayed began ten weeks of summer research in the Yatsunyk lab on May 31.

Our lab attended the third Philadelphia Inorganic Colloquium (PIC-3) on March 19 at the U. of Delaware (  Thomas Ruan presented a poster titled: "Interactions Between G-Quadruplex DNA and Porphyrin Ligands"; Alice, Sayed, and Barrett presented their poster titled: "Interactions Between Non-canonical DNA and Ligands".

Congratulation to Liliya on her recent publication of "Blending quadruplexes and Bordeaux: a Grand Cru! The 5th International Meeting on Quadruplex Nucleic Acids, Bordeaux (France)" in Cell Chemical Biology (2016),

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