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20 April 2011

Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2011


Tami Gura , Kelly Fitzpatrick, Linda Hunt, Mary Marissen, Cassy Burnett, Lynn Grady, Sheila Magee, Terry McGrath, Carolyn Saufley, John Dukes, Lisa Maginnis, Janet McSwiggan, Pat Hearty

Ex-Officio Members:

Melanie Young, Sharmaine LaMar

Mary Marissen convened the meeting at 9:35 a.m. in the Scheuer Room.

Spring Fling

The Spring Fling will be held on Wednesday, May 18th. Registration can be done via a website and hard copies will be available for those individuals who do not have computer access. Registration will be again limited to 6 attendees per family this year. In order to streamline registration on the day of the event there will be a change with the check in process. Attendees will check in at Sharples on the upstairs patio to receive the food and activity wristbands. Adult beverage wristbands will be provided at a separate check in table. Also, American light beer will be available this year.

Canned Food Drive

Tami Gura proposed the idea of a canned food drive to coincide with Spring Fling week. The goods collected will be donated to the Family Center of Delaware County. SAC members will be collecting the cans in their respective circles during the week of May 16th. Information regarding the drive will be included with the Spring Fling announcement.

All-Staff Meeting

All-Staff Meeting was held on Wednesday, March 23, 2011. In general the response to the meeting was good. A few attendees expressed concern regarding overlap of topics due to the fact they attended other meetings with similar presentations. Feedback on the department spotlight section of the meeting was positive.

Pets in the Workplace

A community conversation about resolving issues surrounding pets on campus will be held on, Tuesday, May 3rd from 12:30-1:30 in Scheuer.

SAC Nominees

Retiring SAC members should bring the nominee for their circle to the meeting on May 18th.

Staff Committee Appointments:

  • Faculty-Staff Benefits Committee - 1 staff representative is needed to cover a 2-year appointment. If you are interested in serving on this committee please contact your SAC representative.
  • Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee - 2 staff representatives are needed to cover a 3-year appointment. The committee will meet 2-3 times in the fall semester. If you are interested in serving on this committee please contact your SAC representative.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30am.

Next meeting will be in May 18, 2011.

Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Whittier Circle Representative