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19 March 2008

Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for March 19, 2008


Cathy Pescatore, Lynn Grady, Lois Falzone, Mimi Weiler, Mary Marissen, Anna Headley, Tami Gura, Karen Henry, Beth Baksi, Marian Fahy, Michelle Hartel, Val Gibson, Brady Gonsalves

Human Resources:

Melanie Young

Equal Opportunity Officer:

Sharmaine LaMar

Spring All Staff Meeting:

The All Staff Meeting will take place tomorrow, March 20, 2008 at LPAC with a full agenda. The plan is to have the meeting videotaped to be shared with those who could not attend the meeting. Watch the video now! See below for agenda:
Agenda, All staff meeting, March 20, 2008 1:30-3:00:
Brief Overview of the SAC Website, Anna Headley (SAC Representative)
Budget, Sue Welsh
HR Update, Melanie Young
Long range planning on Staff, Brady Gonsalves (SAC Representative)
Update on the Inn, Stu Hain Emergency
preparedness update, Stu Hain

Rest Rooms in Parrish:

The restrooms on Parrish 2nd floor are very heavily used during the day and have a tendency to be messy on days when Admissions traffic is heavy, despite the EVS' best efforts to keep them clean. Cathy Pescatore will problem solve with Patti Shields.

Climate Control:

Mary brought to our attention that there was a difficult climate condition in McCabe which caused employees and guests discomfort when the temperature inside was over 84 degrees inside. This is always a difficult situation when the dates for heating and air conditioning don't match the weather. Directors should contact Facilities is there is an unsafe temperature in their building and if that can't be resolved, contact Human Resources. Mary and Anna will follow up by asking the Library director to strategize with Facilities about how we may avoid this type of situation in the future.

Off Campus Event Notification:

A staff member wanted to invite the college community to an off campus event, but the college calendar can not accommodate such announcements or invitations. The Faculty/Staff digest is useful, but impermanent. Is there another community place where this type of information can be posted? There were many suggestions; for instance to use the Faculty/Staff Digest, Gazette or posting flyers. There was a suggestion that this type of information could be added as a link to our web site but that could require a SAC member be available to post that information. Anna will talk to Kelly in ITS.

Parking Follow-up:

Mary will communicate with Stu Hain about parking.

SAC Members Picture on website:

Anna suggested that some employees may not know who their SAC representatives are; Anna will add our pictures to our website. Anna will be available to take our pictures before the All Staff Meeting. SAC members, please send your college photo to her as soon as possible if you prefer.

Administrative Leave:

Michele reported that she had heard about some confusion regarding Administrative Leave for essential staff members during the recent snow-related late opening. After a brief discussion, we decided to familiarize ourselves with the relevant policies and add this to next month's agenda.

Whittier Election:

The Whittier Circle election is in the currently taking place.

Fridays in the Summer:

Marian was asked if the college could close on Fridays in the summer and work longer days. Melanie informed us that the college can't close on Fridays because of the commitment to camps. Many departments work longer days and close early on Fridays. Some departments stagger and split their staff to enable each department member one Friday off every other week. Look for the email that comes out in the spring that refers to the summer schedule.


Anna wanted to add a quorum clause to the SAC by laws, since we recently rescheduled a SAC meeting due to weather-related absences. We have 20 members in our 10 circles. Technically SAC is not a legislative body and so "quorum" does not apply. We decided that 7 out of 10 circles should be represented in order for a meeting to take place.

SAC Meetings: April 16, May 14.

Submitted by,
Lynn Grady SAC Secretary