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How Should I Report?

If you witness or directly experience a bias incident, harassment or hate crime or find evidence of a bias incident, harassment or hate crime on the Swarthmore College campus, immediately contact Public Safety at (610)-328-8281, a college official, or report the incident online

Referrals of Bias Incidents

Behavior reflecting bias or discrimination may constitute a violation of Swarthmore College polices, including but not limited to those set forth in the Student Handbook, the Handbook for Instructional Staff [pdf], or the Employee Handbook. Such conduct also may violate local, state, or federal laws.  The College’s response to reports of bias incidents will depend on various factors including the nature of the complaint, whether the alleged violator can be identified, the complainant’s wishes as to how the matter should be handled, the College’s obligations to the campus community as a whole, and the College’s obligations under its policies and the law