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Dr. Jessica Nakamura '03 Publishes "Transgenerational Remembrance"

Book cover: Two rows of people in mid-20th century clothing pose for a photograph. Over a slice of the image a figure in modern clothing is seen from behind. Text reads: "Transgenerational Remembrance: Performance and the Asia Pacific War in Contemporary Japan. Jessica Nakamura."

Dr. Jessica Nakamura '03 recently published Transgenerational Remembrance: Performance and the Asia Pacific War in Contemporary Japan (Northwestern University Press, 2020). 

The book investigates the role of artistic production in the commemoration and memorialization of the Asia-Pacific War (1931–1945) in Japan since 1989. During this time, survivors of Japanese aggression and imperialism, previously silent about their experiences, have sparked contentious public debates about the form and content of war memories. You can learn more and purchase the book here

Nakamura was an Honors Theater student in directing, dramaturgy and theater history, with an Honors Minor in English. She received her MFA from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa in Asian Theater, and her doctorate in Theater & Performance Studies from Stanford.  She is a tenured assistant professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. 

Portrait of Jessica Nakamura

Dr. Jessica Nakamura '03