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Patricia Kenschaft ’61

box_Kenschaft_crop.jpgPatricia Kenschaft ’61 was one of three resident environmentalists honored in October by Green Harmony Now and Mayor Jerry Fried by the dedication of a small park in Montclair, N.J. Kenschaft was recognized for her dedication to growing a garden free of chemicals and fertilizers and maintaining it without the use of power equipment. Her personal garden has produced her family’s year-round supply of vegetables for more than 30 years, and she opens it to the public several times a year. She also manages to use more than a ton of her neighborhood’s leaves each year by composting some and using the rest to mulch berries and fruit trees. She puts plastic bags of leaves over her root crops in winter to keep them from freezing. Kenschaft’s garden has been featured in three different publications, including the Cornucopia Network of NJ (CNNJ), a publication that provides environmentally conscious advice on organic and locally grown gardens. CNNJ is also a place where she blogs about organic gardening and provides helpful hints for those who are just beginning organic gardening adventures.

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